

VAIO株式会社 代表取締役社長 山野 正樹
以前はソニーの一部だった同社は、2014年にVAIOとして独立した。「確かな歴史とVAIOのDNAをもとに、一流の製品を生み出していきたいです。最新のフラグシップモデルはVAIO Zで、軽量かつコンパクトで持ち運びに便利なVAIO SX14とSX12もリリースしました。ほぼすべての製品が12.5型ワイドから15.6型ワイドの間で設計されており、今回発売した13.3型ワイドのVAIO S13は主に法人向け、15.6型ワイドのVAIO S15は主に個人向けとなっています」


第12世代インテル® Core™ プロセッサー・ファミリー


Smart, inspiring computers crafted with pride
VAIO continues to inspire customers around the world with computers that are elegant, durable and deliver exceptional performance.
“Our high-quality production line is also key to our crafted-with-pride commitment. It isn’t fully automated; many people work there. Considering our production volume and the quality level we pursue, we prefer to combine digital technology with human senses.”
Masaki Yamano, President and CEO, VAIO Corporation
Of the major names in the industry, Japanese computer manufacturer VAIO is among the smaller-sized companies – but it harnesses this to deliver maximum quality. “Our goal is to be a small yet shining star,” says President and CEO Masaki Yamano.
Previously part of Sony, VAIO has been independent since 2014. “We’re building on our rich history and ‘VAIO DNA’ to create firstclass products,” Mr. Yamano says. “The VAIO Z is our latest flagship model. We’ve also released the VAIO SX14 and SX12, which are lightweight, small and easy to carry around. Almost all our products range between 12 and 15 inches. The VAIO S13, the 13-inch model we’ve just introduced, is mainly for corporate markets, while the 15-inch VAIO S15 is mostly for home use.”
What are the defining features of VAIO computers? There are four, Mr. Yamano explains: “Firstly, they’re inspiring; that’s down to their design, style and color. When consumers use our products in the morning, we want them to feel the joy of ownership and be motivated to start their day.
“Secondly, they’re smart and ingenious. Our VAIO® TruePerformance technology achieves this. Many people think a computer’s CPU will consistently deliver the same performance across various devices, but that isn’t true. It’s up to the manufacturer to maximize performance.
“Thirdly, our products are genuine and classy. For generations, we’ve been a leader in material innovation. We were the first to use magnesium alloy for PCs on four surfaces, and our next breakthrough came when we started using carbon fiber. It’s more expensive, but it’s lighter and stronger, and hard to bend. Many companies use plastic for the palm rest, but we use aluminum because it’s sturdier, more reliable and aesthetically pleasing. The quality and strength of our computers is paramount.”
Finally, and most importantly, VAIO computers are crafted with pride. “We have a completely integrated team at our Azumino factory,” Mr. Yamano says. ”We’re a relatively small manufacturer, but this makes it easy to get together to discuss various issues. The engineering, manufacturing, quality assurance and customer service teams are all in the same place, so we can quickly report and correct an issue.
Chiefly a B2C manufacturer at Sony, VAIO is now heavily targeting the B2B market. “When I became president, I started marketing directly to corporate customers and increased our B2B sales channels,” Mr. Yamano says. “At first, people were surprised VAIO was available to businesses. When they tried our PCs, some enterprises decided to buy in bulk. There’s still a lot of room for B2B growth.”
The company is also expanding the scope of its business through a significant new addition to its product portfolio: “Our engineers have been working on a completely different project that will broaden our customer base. This new product will offer high added value at a reasonable price, and launches next year. So be on the lookout!”
VAIO is widening its net geographically, too. For example, it’s gaining a greater foothold in the U.S. and is very popular in Brazil, where it has partnered with local producer Positivo.
“Now that we have a clear strategy, I want to expand our business worldwide,” adds Mr. Yamano. “We do not seek to expand as a prominent manufacturer. Rather, I wish to be known as a manufacturer of high quality and of ‘kodawari’, a Japanese concept that translates to the uncompromising and relentless pursuit of perfection. New users, both in Japan and in foreign countries, are learning to love VAIO because of the four values I previously presented. Our goal is to be a small yet shining star.”